(317) 300-4994
We can see you as a patient whether insured or not, and regardless of type of insurance. We do recommend every patient have insurance if possible in order to cover any unexpected healthcare costs that may occur outside our office. If you have a high deductible health plan, our practice may be less expensive than going to a practice that takes your insurance. Even if you don't have a high deductive, you will benefit from more personalized care and more time with your physician. For details about the various types of insurance, please see below.
If you are looking for something that is less expensive than insurance, please look at the Non-Insurance Health Plan section and Healthcare Sharing Ministries section.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about how your insurance will work with our practice. We would be more than happy to look into the details for you.
If you are looking for something that is less expensive than insurance, please look at the Non-Insurance Health Plan section and Healthcare Sharing Ministries section.
- Non-Insurance Health Plans: in 2020 there were legislative changes in Indiana to allow non-insurance health plans. Some of the organizations offering these plans, such as Indiana Farm Bureau, are very well recognized by most people and provide a valuable alternative to Affordable Care Act insurance plans. Patients can sign up for these plans at any time during the year, although there can be restrictions on pre-existing conditions and acceptance is not guaranteed. For many patients, these plans can be significantly less expensive than traditional insurance. If you would like to explore this option, we can refer you to a local representative.
- Traditional Insurance Plans, high deductible: these are the common insurance plans that you are used to hearing about. You'll recognize the common names such as Anthem, United, etc. While we are not in-network with these plans, you'll often pay less by seeing us than seeing an in-network provider if you aren't going to meet your deductible. That's because if you don't reach your deductible, you are already responsible for paying for all of your care. Most patients never reach their deductible, or if they do reach the deductible it's only during an unfortunate year where they require a hospitalization or surgery. Even if you meet your deductible, our fees are a very small percentage of what you are already paying for your deductible.
- Traditional Insurance Plans, low deductible: as above, these are the common insurance plans that you are likely familiar with. If you have a low deductible, you are among the very fortunate in that most of your care will be covered by your insurance plan. This means it could cost you more to see us, although we still have many patients with low deductibles because the convenience and personalized care at our office is worth the small additional cost to them.
- Medicare: Patients with Medicare may continue to see us, although our fees will not be covered by Medicare. Any referrals or testing will continue to be covered exactly as they are with a Medicare participating physician. We think our Medicare patients benefit tremendously from the extra time that we are able to spend with them since they often require more time to manage the complex medical problems that can occur as we age. And unlike other practices which turn away or limit new Medicare patients, we are always happy to see them.
- Medicaid: Patients with Medicaid can continue to see us, although our fees will not be covered by Medicaid. Any referrals or testing will be covered exactly the same as if we accepted Medicaid.
- Tricare: Patients with Tricare may continue to see us, although some types of Tricare require patients to have a PCM (primary care manager). It is possible that you would need to see your PCM in order to have tests or referrals covered, although we have not yet had any difficulty with referrals. If your type of Tricare does not require you to have a PCM, we should be able to see you. We would recommend you verify this with Tricare.
- Healthcare Sharing Ministries: The Affordable Care Act actually has exemptions built in for faith based healthcare cost sharing organizations. While these are not insurance plans, healthcare costs are shared among the members and paid very similar to insurance. Members of these organizations are not subject to the ACA penalties for not having insurance. These plans generally require signing a statement of belief and also living a lifestyle compatible with those religious beliefs. Some of these plans include Samaritan Ministries, Medi-Share, Liberty HealthShare, MCS Medical Cost Sharing and Altrua HealthShare.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about how your insurance will work with our practice. We would be more than happy to look into the details for you.